Fall Garden Mum Care
Mums are all the rage in October. They are a special plant prized for their fall-like colors and long blooming time. Mums were first grown as perennials but nowadays are used as annuals to mark the beginning of autumn.
When shopping for mums, choosing the right one for your needs is important. Consider what you’re using them for. For example, if the purpose is to decorate for a gathering, look for mums with mostly open flowers. These will dazzle your guests with fresh, bright blossoms on full, dense plants.
If you are looking for mums to grace your porch for the remainder of the warmer weather, look for ones that have not opened their buds yet. If you care about their color, find some with one or two buds showing. This ensures that the mums will last all season until the frost comes to claim them, and you will have the colors you desire.
Once your mums have been chosen, it’s time to learn how to care for them. Watering is essential, of course, but mums don’t like being watered from above as it can foster fungal infection on the leaves, effectively damaging the plant. To avoid this, water at the base of the plant at the soil level when the first 2 inches of soil are dry. The easiest way to check for soil dryness is with your index finger. Just insert it into the soil 2 inches and see if the plant needs watering.
Sunlight is also a top priority for your mums, whether you have them in containers or in the ground. They must have 6-8 hours of sunlight to be happy and healthy. Full sun is the only option for fall blooming garden mums.
To keep your mums blooming all season, it is important to deadhead regularly. When blooms are spent, snip them off to allow lower buds to emerge and open. This will keep them clean and colorful for the whole season.
If you decide to plant your mums in the ground, remember to include soil enhancer, compost and organic plant food to ensure a good establishment. Protect your planted mums with at least 2 inches of mulch for insulation during winter.
Mums are a colorful and happy presence on porches and in gardens this time of year. Taking care of them is top priority so that they last all the way through fall for optimum enjoyment.
We have many different mums available now at Guilford Garden Center, each with a different color and style to fit your fall flower needs. See you soon!